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DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT with ruminants or pets on anticoagulant drugs.

AVOID THIS PRODUCT for 2 weeks prior to surgery.

Inflammation is a common trigger of liver disease and is considered the main driver of liver damage. Management of inflammation is imperative to support the liver and full body health.

The liver is continually exposed to environmental chemicals, toxins, pharmaceuticals, food contaminants, etc. The metabolism of some of these exposures may cause injury to the liver, which can damage mitochondria and cells, potentially resulting in cancer or other diseases.

The liver is associated with anger and heat in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine and is responsible for the production of heat for the body. The liver and mind can benefit from the addition of calming herbs (Brahmi).

There are two main phases of liver function.

Phase I: Toxins that are fat-soluble are made more water-soluble. Phase I liver detoxification is the first line defense against toxins and consists of a group of enzymes known as the cytochrome P450 family. These enzymes help neutralize substances and offer protection by converting toxins into less harmful ones.

The by-products of Phase I liver detoxification can pose a toxic threat to the body. If the toxins are allowed to build up and stay in the liver, they can damage DNA and proteins.

Phase II: Provides final neutralization of the toxins so they can be removed from the body. The role of Phase II liver detoxification is to make sure those toxins do not build up and are moved to the kidneys and gallbladder to exit the body.

Restore assists with Phase II functions of the liver.

Product is intended for animal and supplemental use only. Not intended to cure or treat any disease.

Store in a cool, dry place. Do not freeze.

Size: 6 oz. resealable pouch (86-1 tsp. servings)


Organic Milk Thistle: Seeds of the milk thistle plant contain a chemical constituent called silymarin, which has been heavily researched and validated to be anti-inflammatory with protective and restorative effects on the liver and kidneys. Silymarin was found to enhance three growth factors that trigger liver regeneration. Milk thistle has been shown to: increase liver regeneration, boost immune system, reduce nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and inflammation.

Organic Turmeric:  Alters multiple cellular pathways, which allow it to protect and treat liver diseases. Stimulates the production of bilirubin and other antioxidant molecules. Helps protect against liver fibrosis by inhibiting activation of certain hormones. Turmeric is so effective in Phase II liver detoxification that it has been demonstrated to delay the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. The primary healing constituent in turmeric is the high level of curcuminoids.

Organic Ginger: Gingerols (the chemical compounds found in ginger) inhibit multiple cytochrome drug metabolism pathways. This same metabolic action can prevent the liver from allowing curcuminoids from being excreted quickly. The longer curcuminoids from turmeric are available in the digestive tract and liver, the better they can elicit their beneficial effects. Ginger improves the benefits of curcuminoids in turmeric by as much as 2,000%.

Organic Brahmi: Widely researched for its effects on brain health and shown to improve anxiety, stress, depression, and mental fatigue. Protects against pharmaceutical drug induced liver and kidney toxicity.

Organic Spirulina (non-GMO): Nutritive edible microalgae that is over 60% protein and contains a variety of amino acids, polysaccharides, B-vitamins, and minerals. Grown in control-led conditions for safety.

Organic Ashwagandha: Assists the liver in ridding the body of substances that may otherwise accumulate and cause liver injury. 

Organic Frankincense: Has analgesic, tranquilizing, and antibacterial effects. Reduces inflammation by inhibiting leukocyte elastase and degrading glycosaminoglycans. Frankincense prevents the release of leukotrienes, having an anti-inflammatory effect in ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, bronchitis, and sinusitis.

Inactive Ingredients: None


Sprinkle over food or steep as a tea.

For first-time use, start with a lower daily dose and increase the amount to the suggested daily dose over time.

Suggested Daily Dose

Up to 20 lbs.  1/2 tsp.
21-40 lbs. 1 tsp.
41-80 lbs. 1-1/2 tsp.
Over 81 lbs. 2 tsp.

Do not use this product with ruminants or pets on anticoagulant drugs. May cause digestive upset, allergic reaction, or mimic effects of estrogen. Avoid this product for 2 weeks prior to surgery. Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven. If animals' condition does not improve or worsens, discontinue use and consult your veterinarian.


Statements made have not been approved by the FDA.

Product is not to be used in lieu of proper veterinary care.

Results may vary according to the animal’s diet, lifestyle, and current condition. Minimal results may occur between 1 dose and 3 weeks. Maximum results are often not achieved for 3 months. In severe conditions where the pet is dependent solely on the effects of the supplement, this time may increase greatly.

Animals may experience a cleansing response (healing crisis) while using this product. It is a process where the body begins releasing toxins that have built up over time. The speed and severity of the cleansing response will vary by individual according to age, diagnosis, lifestyle, severity of symptoms, etc. Symptoms may include: increased shedding, panting, lethargy, excessive water consumption, slightly loose stools, dermatitis, and self-fasting. These symptoms are temporary and transitory. Not every animal will experience a cleansing response.