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Grounding is an essential oil blend that can be used on dogs and people. Its empowering aroma creates feelings of solidarity and balance, stabilizes emotions, promotes a relaxing, calming, and comforting atmosphere, and supports overall well-being. Designed for use during difficult or emotional times.

Grounding is a great essential oil blend for dogs and people who have been through any type of trauma.

Size: 5 ml. Bottle

Ingredients: White Fir, Black Spruce, Ylang Ylang, Pine, Cedarwood, Angelica, Juniper

Caution: Essential oil blends containing citrus should not be used around cats.

*We are not liable for the misuse of these products.*

New to Essential Oils?

Please read the following "How-To" articles for some background knowledge before getting started.

Small Breed Dogs (under 35 lbs.)  9:1 Ratio (Carrier oil to EO) Medium Breed Dogs (36-65 lbs.) 4:1 Ratio (Carrier oil to EO) Large Breed Dogs (66 lbs. +) 3:1 Ratio (Carrier oil to EO)

Domestic animals respond quickly to the aroma.

Topical: Apply essential oil and carrier oil to your hands and rub together until a varying amount is left (or completely absorbed for smaller animals). Then use your hands to pet the animal. This technique can be used all over the body or concentrated on a specific location.

Diffuse: Start by adding 3-5 drops to a diffuser and allow it to run for 30 minutes at a time. Diffuse in an area of your home where pets can come and go as they please.


TopicalDilute 1 drop EO to 1 drop carrier oil and apply behind ears, on wrists, back of neck, temples, base of spine, or desired location.

*Possible sun/skin sensitivity.

Diffuse: Start by adding 3-5 drops to a diffuser and allow it to run for 30 minutes at a time. Gradually increase to 8-10 drops and diffuse up to 30 minutes at a time, 3 times daily.

Aromatic: Inhale directly from the bottle.

    Carrier Oil Options

    We suggest using V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex from Young Living, but you can also use sweet almond oil or MCT oil.